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Read moreLetter to Represntatives Lee and Pocan
Sign the letter to U.S. Representatives Lee and Pocan to activate the Defense Spending Reduction Caucus.
Letter to U.S. Representatives Lee and Pocan
U.S. Representative Barbara Lee
U.S. Representative Mark Pocan
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
In July 2020 you led the way in Congress and organized a vote of 93 House members for saner federal spending priorities. The vote was a historic beginning.
By following up this initiative with the creation of the Defense Spending Reduction Caucus, you showed far-sighted leadership in fighting for saner federal spending priorities.
We in the peace movement around the country share your desire to cut the military budget. Our movement is your natural, grassroots constituency in this effort. With membership in every congressional district, we are able to press our own members of Congress to join the new caucus.
Many of us are building local, broad-based, grassroots coalitions to promote City Council resolutions and referenda to push Congress to honor the majority sentiment of the American people for lower Pentagon spending.
Now, with November 3 behind us, we are ready to help build up the Defense Spending Reduction Caucus you have created. We urge you to resume your leadership of the invaluable effort you initiated.
**your signature**
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I endorse the Move the Money to Human Needs Campaign. Please add my name to the list of endorsers of the Campaign.
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