Category: Fact Sheets
Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go?
The 2021 United States Federal Budget was released on Feb. 5 by President Donald J. Trump. According to the Office of Management and Budget, the 2021 budget total is $4.839 trillion.
Read moreSummary of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act focuses on maintaining the strength of our defense enterprise as our nation grapples with a health crisis …
Read moreECONOMIC CONVERSION: Taking Steps Towards a New Sustainable, Demilitarized and Just Economy
The more a country spends on the military as a share of its economy: the slower the economic growth; the higher the unemployment; the slower the productivity growth; the less innovation; the greater its contributioin to global warming …
Read moreMisplaced Priorities: How a Bloated Pentagon Starves Our Communities
Testimony to the New Haven Board of Alders, Human Services Committee, June 2, 2020, by Lindsay Koshgarian, Director, National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies.
Read morePoor People’s Campaign Fact Sheets
Militarism and violence are the hallmarks of U.S. policy at home and abroad. From war to mass incarceration and beyond, these policies amplify poverty, racism and environmental degradation. They can and must change.
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